about the project

In our society, beauty has become a brand. It’s sexy. It’s skinny. It has flawless skin.

If you’ve watched a movie, read a magazine, or listened to the radio in the past decade, this isn’t new information. You’ve passed the magazines and billboards of digitally altered women, and clearly heard the message,

“You’ll never be quite good enough.”

For a long time I have criticized myself against this impossible standard, questioning in my heart if I was beautiful. I’ve spent years feeling insecure, dissatisfied with the way God created me, because I don’t measure up to this standard.

But in the past year I have realized something, the standard is wrong. Beauty isn’t something that can be airbrushed or photo shopped. It’s not a certain look or body type. It’s much more than that.

The goal of this project was to highlight a different type of beauty, a kind you won‘t find in magazine. It’s a confident, strong, creative, and unique. It’s found in womans' heart and it shines through her eyes. It glorifies the Creator.

These women exemplify this beauty and have graciously shared their hearts on the subject. I hope you enjoy their wisdom and realize that

you are beautiful.

the video

Monday, June 29, 2009



Rachel is a junior in high school. She is very creative and expresses her creativity through her unique fashion sense and free spirit. She is an LJ3 leader and enjoys shopping, going to the park, and hanging out with friends.

What do you think beauty is?

“I think it’s God’s love and personality shining through us.”

When do you feel beautiful?

“I feel beautiful when I help people and they appreciate it.”

How has our culture’s definition of beauty effected you?

“Sometime’s I get self conscious, but one of my friends told me to just be God conscious, and think of how He sees you. He says we are fearfully and wonderfully made. That helps me.”

What do you wish women knew about real beauty?

“God made you how you are and that’s how your suppose to look and be. Don’t try to be other people because there is no one like you.”



Darla is a high school junior and an LJ3 leader. She enjoys doing “girly things,” like drinking tea and having picnics.
What do you think beauty is?

“I think beauty I what comes out of you. Beauty is genuine, it’s what is in you, your character.”

Do you think your beautiful?

“In the morning you can wake up and say, ‘I am so ugly,’ but you need say, ‘It’s me and it’s how God made me, and I am beautiful like this.’ I can’t try and be other things, I am who I am and if I am myself, I am beautiful.”

When do you feel beautiful?

“When I wear a cute little spring dress, a skirt with a nice top, or certain jewelry, I feel that I am, in a way, wearing treasure, and that it’s a prized possession. It makes me feel special.”

How has our culture’s definition of beauty effected you?

“I think it use to effect me more than it does now. I use to think they (girls in magazines) are so skinny, they have the best tans, they have the nicest hair, the cutest clothes, everything. But now I think, ‘Whatever!’ God made me and I don’t have to impress a guy or other people, because God has everything planned out; who I am going to marry, who I am going to be friends with, my entire future. So I can just be me.”

Sunday, June 28, 2009



Chelsea is in 7th grade. She is very busy and involved in many activities including swimming, karate, and music.

What do you think beauty is?

"Beauty is much deeper than your outside appearance; it focuses more on who you are on the inside. Pretty and hot are used to describe your outer appearance, but beauty holds more meaning."

Do you think your beautiful?

"Yes, I do. I know I am because my Father says I am. He sees the me no one else sees sometimes; not the girl with frizzy hair. I am beautiful in His eyes, and that’s all that matters."

When do you feel the most beautiful?

"I feel the most beautiful right after I wake up in the morning. I feel refreshed and better than I do when I am all dressed up."

What do you think God finds beautiful in a woman?

"I think God finds being in a relationship with Him beautiful. The closer you are to Him and the more you know Him, the more beautiful you are."


What do you think beauty is?

The Bible says that "A happy heart makes the face cheerful" (Proverbs 15:13). I think that couldn't be stated better. Inward peace with God creates outward beauty.

When do you feel the most beautiful?

I feel most radiant when I am at peace with God. There have been times when I was serving overseas and hadn't showered in three days but still felt beautiful because I was at peace with God. There were other times when I spent enormous amounts of time on my appearance but felt less attractive than ever because my trust was in the wrong places.

What do you wish woman knew about real beauty?

That beauty cannot be bought, fabricated, or applied in front of a mirror.

What do you think God finds beautiful in a women?
Above all, a pure heart.

Saturday, June 27, 2009



Sherry has been married for almost 22 years and is the mother of three children. She is a high school teacher at Calvary Christian Academy, where she coaches the varsity cheerleading squad. She loves shopping, coaching, and eating junk food.

What do you think beauty is?

“Beauty comes from within. Someone that has a kind a heart, a sweet spirit, is easy to be entreated, is not afraid to show their faults and failures, is beautiful. They aren’t trying to be beautiful, it’s just who they are.”

Do you think your beautiful?

“I want to be beautiful, but I don’t think of myself as beautiful. I like myself and I am beautiful because God says so, but not necessarily according to what the worlds standards are. He made me and He made me specifically. Each feature was designed specifically, so because I’m His creation, I’m gorgeous. I’m learning how to accept what God has done, because living in this world it’s a temptation for women to compare themselves with one other, models on TV, and what the world says beauty is. The closer I get to the Lord, the more I can appreciate who I am and that if I weren’t here, there would be a big hole in this world.”

What do you wish women knew about real beauty?
“I wish that women knew that they are beautiful because God created them and they are unique for a reason. There is nobody else like them and they don’t have to compare themselves to anybody else. If they tried to be somebody else, we would miss out on who they are, and the impact that God intended in having them here.”



Jewell is currently a student at Montgomery community college, where she is studying to be a graphic designer. Jewell enjoys being creative, photography, working with computers, and being with her friends.

What do you think beauty is?

“Beauty comes from inside. Integrity is something I find very beautiful in a person. Someone who is able to act right and be themselves around other people and has the same personality when other people aren’t looking. It’s hard to find these days.”

Do you think your beautiful?

“I think I am beautiful because I like who I am. I’ve noticed that I can make people happy very easily. I seem to bring out the best in people, and I like that.”

When do you feel the most beautiful?

“I feel the most beautiful when I am with my friends. They know me inside and out, and I can just be myself around them. They laugh at everything I say. When I am around them and see they are happy because of something I did or said, it makes me feel really good.”

What do you wish women knew about real beauty?

“I wish women realized it’s really not about being beautiful on the outside. You can take the most outwardly beautiful person, but if they are snobby and immature, it just makes them look ugly. I wish people realized how you act and how you present yourself makes you beautiful or ugly.”

Thursday, June 25, 2009



Lydia is in 10th grade at Calvary Christian Academy. She enjoys playing sports and spending time with her friends and family.

What do you think beauty is?

“Beauty is your heart and what you do to glorify God, because God looks at your heart.”

Do you think your beautiful?

“Yes, because God created everything beautiful.”

When do you feel the most beautiful?

“When I am thinking about how God made us, how He made us beautiful, I feel the most beautiful then. Or when I am really dressed up.”

What do you wish women knew about real beauty?

“That God is looking at your heart and you should just do everything to glorify Him. Because that’s what’s most beautiful to Him. That’s all that matters.”



Nancy was born and raised in Miami, became a Christian at 19, and has loved working with Jr. high ever since! She has 5 kids and has been married 29 years.

What do you think beauty is?

“God as Creator created everything beautiful and any beauty we have is just a reflection of His beauty. We should try to keep it (our beauty) as clear of ourselves as possible, so it’s really reflecting Him.”

Do you think your beautiful?

“I think when I am thinking kindly and walking in the Spirit then, yes, otherwise, no. It has a lot to so with the Spirit.”

What is the effect of our culture’s definition of beauty on women?

“The focus is so much on being small, tiny, and thin. Being large boned or being heavier just doesn’t fit in to America’s idea of beauty. The kids that are made fun of in my class are often those that are heavy. It’s very sad.”

When do you feel the most beautiful?

“I feel beautiful when I am worshipping. I forget how I look, so when I am finished it’s like, ‘Whoa, I wasn’t even self-conscious there for a few minutes’.”

What do you think God finds beautiful in a woman?

“A quiet and gentle spirit. Gentle is not rewarded in our society at all. People who are kind and gentle or quit spirited are overlooked in our society and looked as though they are weak.”

Wednesday, June 24, 2009



Anya is a nurse and has been married for two years. She likes to sing, write, read and go to the movies. Anya is always looking for different ways to express her creativity.

What do you think beauty is?

"Beauty is defined by many other words: lovely, funny, humble, kind...but none of the words describe beauty are related to the physical. They refer to exuding other positive qualities that are not related to any outer "beauty". Beauty can look like anything, but the positive qualities that define it are individual and unique and can vary person to person."

How has our culture’s definition of beauty effected you?

"The culture definitely confuses me in my thought processes. I see what our culture glorifies in terms of beauty, and it usually is related to not only being attractive on the outside, but promoting a much more sexually charged image. It can cause even myself to consider things 'beautiful' that I wouldn't normally."

What do you wish women knew about real beauty?

"That real beauty also equals real worth. It would be impossible to feel and acknowledge that you are beautiful if you don't also realize that you are WORTH something. Usually, women link being physically attractive to having worth...but what if you're in an accident and left disfigured? Or if you become poor and unable to keep up with "trends"? Feeling beautiful God's way usually translates to feeling like you're worth something more than just material things and an outer appearance, which also gives confidence and peace in who you are."

What do you think God finds beautiful in a woman?

"God sees things we don't see in our lives. He must see all the weaknesses we might have as woman, but sees them in a perfected form. He sees us as His daughters and, because of the cross, we're perfect."

Tuesday, June 23, 2009



Pamela, who grew up in Argentina, is a Spanish teacher at Calvary Christian Academy. She loves teaching Spanish and serves with her husband in the Spanish ministry at Calvary Chapel of Philadelphia.

What do you think beauty is?

“A reflection that comes through your eyes because of what you have inside. It’s more then just what you look like on the outside, it’s a combination of the inside and outside. A full reflection of Christ.”

Do you think your beautiful?

“I do, not in an egotistical way. If you go back to Genesis, when He was creating everything, on the seventh day, He saw everything was good and beautiful.”

When do you feel the most beautiful?

“I feel beautiful when I am feeling fulfilled and accomplished. When I have a really good class and I taught what I was suppose to teach. Then I feel beautiful.”

What do you wish women knew about real beauty?

“There are choices and decisions that women are making right now, based on worldly immature thoughts on beauty, that can effect their future. And, sometimes, you cross certain bridges and it’s very hard to go back.”

Monday, June 22, 2009



Megan is a Jr. High student. She likes to act, go on the computer, play field hockey, and go over friends house.

What do you think beauty is?

“A lot of it’s from your heart, and it show’s in how you act. But it’s also from the outside. You don’t have to look like a model in a magazine, but you should take care of yourself.”

Do you think your beautiful?

“I do. I feel beautiful. When you think about, the Creator of everything, the entire universe, wanted to make you just the way you are. That makes you beautiful.”

When do you feel the most beautiful?

“I feel the most beautiful when I am reading the Bible and I see verses that say God created you.”

What do you wish women knew about real beauty?

“That your outward appearance isn’t everything. A lot of times, in Jr. High especially, a lot of girls they want to focus on their outward appearance, and they don’t really care about what’s in their heart. Your outward appearance isn’t the only thing that beauty is.”



I am a pediatric nurse, but I also enjoy writing and photography. I love traveling and missions work, and spent a year in Liberia as a medical missionary on the world’s largest non-governmental hospital ship, the Africa Mercy, with the Christian charity, Mercy Ships. In July, I am returning to the Africa Mercy to work in the communications department.

What do you think beauty is?

“Beauty is a glimmer of eternal perfection, woven through our fallen world, which leads us to acknowledge and glorify it’s Author and Source. When I see something beautiful, in a person, a piece of art, a conversation, or a place, it awakens a longing in my heart for heaven.”

Do you think your beautiful?

“When I remember I am precious to the Lord, and so loved by Him, I think I’m beautiful. Otherwise, I feel unconfident, insecure, and fearful of being rejected by others. When I feel this way, I am unable to be vulnerable, with God and people, and I miss out on the intimacy and love which vulnerability creates. I am learning how to find my confidence in Christ, and realizing I can fully be myself in Him, without any fears.”

When do you feel the most beautiful?

“When I am driving fast down the highway with my windows down, the wind is blowing through my hair, and I am singing loudly to song on the radio. I feel free, unrestrained, and completely uninhibited to be myself.”

What do you wish women knew about real beauty?

“That ‘beautiful’ and ‘sexy’ are not the same things. Sadly, even amongst Christians, those terms are used interchangeably. Sexy means, ‘intending to arouse sexual desire,’ something that’s encouraged and applauded by our culture. We can be sexy through our attire, what and how we say things, our body language, and our attitudes. But beauty is much deeper and very different than that. It’s a unique expression God seen in an individual that arouses a desire for Him in others. It’s not an attitude that can be put on and off, it’s a structural component of a someone’s essence. On any given night you can walk into a club in any city in the world and find dozen’s of women who are ‘sexy.’ But to meet a woman who is truly beautiful, is a rare encounter. And when you meet her, she is easily recognizable.”

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Kathy (my Nana:)


Kathy is a mother of four and Nana of fourteen. She is the financial administrator at Calvary Christian Academy. She enjoys gardening, cooking, painting, and being with her family.

What do you think beauty is?

"Beauty is a kind face and a sweet smile and a person who really cares about others. Soft words, encouragement. It is a call from a friend just letting you know that they truly care about you and whatever circumstances you may find yourself in at that particular moment."

What do you think God finds beautiful in a woman?

1 Peter 3:3-4

"Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight."

What is the effect of our culture’s definition of beauty?

"Our culture is obviously sending out the wrong message to our young women regarding true beauty. It is not how thin you are or what kind of clothes you wear, but what God has planted in your heart."

What do you wish women knew about real beauty?

Proverbs 31:30

"Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised".

Saturday, June 20, 2009



Sara has a gracious heart and a confident smile. She wants to be a missionary and is currently attending Bible college in Hungary.

What do you think beauty is?

“It is true beauty to see a person grow in their walk with the Lord. To see a heart that is pure towards God, truly is the most beautiful attribute a person could have.”

Do you think your beautiful?

“I can believe that I am beautiful, because I know that God has made me. The world certainly does not tell me I am beautiful, but I know that God see’s me so much differently then the world. Feeling beautiful is feeling accepted in the eyes of those who are most important to you. When Christ is the center of my life, when my satisfaction comes from Him, I can feel completely beautiful because the only eyes that matter are His.”

How has our culture’s definition of beauty effected you?

“I have been overweight my whole life. The world told me that fat was ugly, and skinny was beautiful. I thought that I couldn’t ever be beautiful until I lost weight. I crash dieted all I could, but I found that I never reached that point of being satisfied with myself. It was easy for me to compare myself to my friends, and think that I will never be pretty because I can’t get as skinny as them. This is a dangerous process because it breaks down your confidence. I realize now that it isn’t ever possible to reach that point because the worlds idea of beauty isn’t real.”

What do you wish women knew about real beauty?

“That the inner beauty we develop from serving God can totally outshine all of our outer imperfections. God has created us how He wants us to be, and when we embrace what He gave us, that is when we are beautiful.”