about the project

In our society, beauty has become a brand. It’s sexy. It’s skinny. It has flawless skin.

If you’ve watched a movie, read a magazine, or listened to the radio in the past decade, this isn’t new information. You’ve passed the magazines and billboards of digitally altered women, and clearly heard the message,

“You’ll never be quite good enough.”

For a long time I have criticized myself against this impossible standard, questioning in my heart if I was beautiful. I’ve spent years feeling insecure, dissatisfied with the way God created me, because I don’t measure up to this standard.

But in the past year I have realized something, the standard is wrong. Beauty isn’t something that can be airbrushed or photo shopped. It’s not a certain look or body type. It’s much more than that.

The goal of this project was to highlight a different type of beauty, a kind you won‘t find in magazine. It’s a confident, strong, creative, and unique. It’s found in womans' heart and it shines through her eyes. It glorifies the Creator.

These women exemplify this beauty and have graciously shared their hearts on the subject. I hope you enjoy their wisdom and realize that

you are beautiful.

the video

Saturday, June 27, 2009



Sherry has been married for almost 22 years and is the mother of three children. She is a high school teacher at Calvary Christian Academy, where she coaches the varsity cheerleading squad. She loves shopping, coaching, and eating junk food.

What do you think beauty is?

“Beauty comes from within. Someone that has a kind a heart, a sweet spirit, is easy to be entreated, is not afraid to show their faults and failures, is beautiful. They aren’t trying to be beautiful, it’s just who they are.”

Do you think your beautiful?

“I want to be beautiful, but I don’t think of myself as beautiful. I like myself and I am beautiful because God says so, but not necessarily according to what the worlds standards are. He made me and He made me specifically. Each feature was designed specifically, so because I’m His creation, I’m gorgeous. I’m learning how to accept what God has done, because living in this world it’s a temptation for women to compare themselves with one other, models on TV, and what the world says beauty is. The closer I get to the Lord, the more I can appreciate who I am and that if I weren’t here, there would be a big hole in this world.”

What do you wish women knew about real beauty?
“I wish that women knew that they are beautiful because God created them and they are unique for a reason. There is nobody else like them and they don’t have to compare themselves to anybody else. If they tried to be somebody else, we would miss out on who they are, and the impact that God intended in having them here.”

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