about the project

In our society, beauty has become a brand. It’s sexy. It’s skinny. It has flawless skin.

If you’ve watched a movie, read a magazine, or listened to the radio in the past decade, this isn’t new information. You’ve passed the magazines and billboards of digitally altered women, and clearly heard the message,

“You’ll never be quite good enough.”

For a long time I have criticized myself against this impossible standard, questioning in my heart if I was beautiful. I’ve spent years feeling insecure, dissatisfied with the way God created me, because I don’t measure up to this standard.

But in the past year I have realized something, the standard is wrong. Beauty isn’t something that can be airbrushed or photo shopped. It’s not a certain look or body type. It’s much more than that.

The goal of this project was to highlight a different type of beauty, a kind you won‘t find in magazine. It’s a confident, strong, creative, and unique. It’s found in womans' heart and it shines through her eyes. It glorifies the Creator.

These women exemplify this beauty and have graciously shared their hearts on the subject. I hope you enjoy their wisdom and realize that

you are beautiful.

the video

Monday, June 29, 2009



Darla is a high school junior and an LJ3 leader. She enjoys doing “girly things,” like drinking tea and having picnics.
What do you think beauty is?

“I think beauty I what comes out of you. Beauty is genuine, it’s what is in you, your character.”

Do you think your beautiful?

“In the morning you can wake up and say, ‘I am so ugly,’ but you need say, ‘It’s me and it’s how God made me, and I am beautiful like this.’ I can’t try and be other things, I am who I am and if I am myself, I am beautiful.”

When do you feel beautiful?

“When I wear a cute little spring dress, a skirt with a nice top, or certain jewelry, I feel that I am, in a way, wearing treasure, and that it’s a prized possession. It makes me feel special.”

How has our culture’s definition of beauty effected you?

“I think it use to effect me more than it does now. I use to think they (girls in magazines) are so skinny, they have the best tans, they have the nicest hair, the cutest clothes, everything. But now I think, ‘Whatever!’ God made me and I don’t have to impress a guy or other people, because God has everything planned out; who I am going to marry, who I am going to be friends with, my entire future. So I can just be me.”

1 comment:

  1. Wow, your heart and desires are an encouragement. Thank you for obeying and thus being such a blessing to us all in this world of chaos and confusion :)

