about the project

In our society, beauty has become a brand. It’s sexy. It’s skinny. It has flawless skin.

If you’ve watched a movie, read a magazine, or listened to the radio in the past decade, this isn’t new information. You’ve passed the magazines and billboards of digitally altered women, and clearly heard the message,

“You’ll never be quite good enough.”

For a long time I have criticized myself against this impossible standard, questioning in my heart if I was beautiful. I’ve spent years feeling insecure, dissatisfied with the way God created me, because I don’t measure up to this standard.

But in the past year I have realized something, the standard is wrong. Beauty isn’t something that can be airbrushed or photo shopped. It’s not a certain look or body type. It’s much more than that.

The goal of this project was to highlight a different type of beauty, a kind you won‘t find in magazine. It’s a confident, strong, creative, and unique. It’s found in womans' heart and it shines through her eyes. It glorifies the Creator.

These women exemplify this beauty and have graciously shared their hearts on the subject. I hope you enjoy their wisdom and realize that

you are beautiful.

the video

Thursday, June 18, 2009



Mary has two great kids, ages 12 and 10, and spends most of her time going to practices and games. She has been working at Calvary Chapel for 6 years and walking with the Lord for 20 years. Mary was married to a wonderful man, but the Lord took him to heaven about 6 ½ years ago.

When do you feel beautiful?

“I feel beautiful when my whole self is submitted to Jesus and I am allowing the fruits of the Holy Spirit to flow through me. When I feel so close to Him, and I know He’s using my life to help and encourage others, that’s when I feel the most beautiful.”

How has our culture’s definition of beauty effected you?

“There have been times where the perfect image portrayed by the culture has made me feel physically unattractive or inferior, but I have to remind myself of the Truth. Some of the most physically attractive people, are some of the worst role models and most miserable people of our society. They truly aren’t beautiful and I think deep down they know it.”

What do you wish women knew about real beauty?

“The truth; it’s so contrary to what our culture is telling us is beautiful. What we can nurture, regardless of how our bodies change, is our relationship with God. That’s what will endure and last. I wish all my sister’s would recognize that it is really the heart that makes a woman beautiful. Loving the unlovable, showing kindness, going the extra mile, and giving out of your own need, that’s really what beauty is.”

What do you think God finds beautiful in a woman?

“Our complete surrender to His Lordship. You can search the whole world and try everything out and you will always come back to Jesus. Nothing compares to knowing Him as your friend. He really is the most beautiful one in the world. In His presence is fullness of joy. Not partial, not half fullness. When we have that we lack nothing.”

1 comment:

  1. Mary ,every thing you said is so true I felt so ugly untill I surrendered my whole self to the Lord and even on my worst days now I feel beautiful because it does come from your inner self and your heart and your wholeness to the Lord.You couldn't of said it better Iloved what you wrote and Ilove you, you are a beautiful person inside and out.God Bless You.Thank you for everything and for being a great friend.
